WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE held at The Community Hall, Boat of Garten on 22nd February 2008 at 10.30am PRESENT Eric Baird Willie McKenna Stuart Black Eleanor Mackintosh Duncan Bryden Anne MacLean Jaci Douglas Alastair MacLennan Dave Fallows Fiona Murdoch Lucy Grant Andrew Rafferty David Green Richard Stroud Bruce Luffman Susan Walker Mary McCafferty IN ATTENDANCE: Don McKee Andrew Tait Pip Mackie Murray Ferguson APOLOGIES: Geva Blackett Bob Kinnaird Nonie Coulthard Ian Mackintosh Drew Hendry Sandy Park Marcus Humphrey Ross Watson WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 1. The Convenor welcomed all present. 2. Apologies were received from the above Members. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3. The minutes of the previous meeting, 8th February 2008, held at The Community Centre, Nethy Bridge were approved with an amendment to paragraph 68 to state that ‘David Green allowed Mrs Taylor to interject to clarify certain points’. 4. David Green stated that the issues of applicants being able to respond to statements by objectors would be covered by the review of Standing Orders. 5. Paragraph 4 – David Green informed Members that Fiona Murdoch, Jane Hope and himself had met with Moray Council to discuss various matters and had also raised the issue of late notifications of planning applications. Moray Council had agreed to try and ensure this situation did not happen again. David Green said that Don McKee had also raised the issue with Moray Council Planning Department. 6. Paragraph 78 – David Green queried if the outstanding information had been submitted for the application. Andrew Tait responded that further information had been submitted and SEPA were in the process of assessing it. Andrew Tait stated that the CNPA were waiting for consultation responses from SEPA and SNH and at the moment he couldn’t confirm if the application would be on the Agenda for the meeting of 7th March 2008. 7. Willie McKenna asked for clarification of the situation at The Heatherbrae Hotel, Nethy Bridge given the recent article in the Strathspey & Badenoch Herald. Don McKee responded that planning permission was not required to remove fittings from the building and that the CNPA were pursuing an independent assessment of the viability of the business. DECLARATION OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS ON ANY ITEMS APPEARING ON THE AGENDA 8. Mary McCafferty wished it noted that she had an interest in Planning Application No. 08/051/CP as this application had been discussed at a Community Council meeting, of which she was a Member). However, she stated that she had left the room at the Community Council meeting when the development was discussed, therefore she did not feel she needed to declare an interest in the application at the CNPA Planning Committee. 9. Susan Walker declared an interest in Planning Application No. 08/054/CP. PLANNING APPLICATION CALL-IN DECISIONS (Oral Presentation, Andrew Tait) 10.08/045/CP -No Call-in 11.08/046/CP -No Call-in 12.08/047/CP -No Call-in 13.08/048/CP -No Call-in 14.08/049/CP -No Call-in 15.08/050/CP -No Call-in Mary McCafferty’s interest was noted, but she did not leave the room. 16.08/051/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • While recognising that the proposal is for an extension of time to extract from an area that already has planning consent, the proposal raises issues in relation to the local and wider landscape. In addition, there are a number of species in the proximity of the site which are of conservation importance. The proposal also raises issues in relation to economic development and local employment. Consequently, the proposal raises issues of general significance for the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 17.08/052/CP - No Call-in 18.08/053/CP - No Call-in Susan Walker declared an interest and left the room. 19.08/054/CP - No Call-in Susan Walker returned. 20.08/055/CP - No Call-in 21.08/056/CP - No Call-in 22.08/057/CP - No Call-in 23.08/058/CP - No Call-in 24.08/059/CP - No Call-in 25.08/060/CP - No Call-in 26.08/061/CP - No Call-in COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 27.The Members wished to make comments to the Local Authorities on the following Planning Application No’s 08/046/CP, 08/047/CP, 08/052/CP & 08/054/CP. The planning officers noted these comments and were delegated with the responsibility of whether or not to submit the comments to the Local Authorities. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 28.David Green advised that Murray Ferguson, Head of Visitor Services and Recreation, was present in order to provide an update on the Glenmore Off-Road Cycle Route. 29.Murray Ferguson advised Members that the CNPA had a dual role in the Glenmore Off-Road Cycle Route as the Planning Authority and lead partner, along with SNH and Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS). He advised that work had started approximately 2 weeks ago, with FCS carrying out the development works. Since this time a complaint had been received from the Badenoch & Strathspey Conservation Group (BSCG) to the CNPA Planning Dept. concerning the way works had been carried out and damage to natura interest in the area. Murray Ferguson stated that since the complaint had been received members of CNPA staff had visited the site twice, along with SNH and FCS staff. He stated that in his view no serious damage had been done to date, however excessive pruning had been carried out and the treatment of the spoil had not been dealt with as sensitively as it could have been. The CNPA would be writing to BSCG both as the Planning Authority and lead partner, thanking them for drawing attention to the situation and confirming that the CNPA would be investigating. 30.Bruce Luffman queried if the Applicants (FCS) had submitted a construction method statement for the works. Don McKee responded that it was a requirement of the planning permission that a construction method statement should be submitted, however, this had not yet been received and Mary Grier would be investigating this issue further. 31.David Green stated that the entire issue needed to be dealt with sensitively. 32.Susan Walker stated that a breach of procedure had occurred and this should be formally drawn to the attention of FCS via a letter. 33.Don McKee advised that concerted efforts had been made in the last few days to remedy the breach, however, a letter would be sent to FCS. 34.Duncan Bryden queried if clear guidance could be provided for public body partners working on privately owned land for future projects. 35.David Green advised Members that press guidelines had recently been issue to all Members and that all queries Members receive should be directed to the CNPA Press Team. 36.David Green informed Members that the Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce were holding a gala dinner on Saturday 15th March 2008 at Coylumbridge. Any Members who wished to attend should inform Jane Hope. 37.David Green advised that he and Eric Baird had met with Drennan Watson and Ian Lawson of the Cairngorms Campaign and Scottish Environment Link (SEL). David Green informed Members that they were interested in taking part in an informal discussion with the Board regarding future working relations. David Green advised Members that the opportunity for an informal discussion had been offered with the Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce. 38.Alastair MacLennan advised that he was in agreement with informal discussions taking place, however, he advised caution in the board meeting with too many organisations, as the amount of meetings may become unmanageable. 39.Duncan Bryden requested clarification if all members of SEL (approximately 25 people) would be present or just a representative group. 40.David Green informed Members that he believed it would just be a representative group specific to the Cairngorms locale. David Green also stated that the discussion would not be to debate specific issues but the wider generality of working with organisations in the Cairngorms area. 41.David Green advised that he had agreed to do a presentation to Moray Council Members on the role of the CNPA. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 42. Friday, 7th March 2008 at The Community Centre, Nethy Bridge. 43.Committee Members are requested to ensure that any Apologies for this meeting are submitted to the Planning Office in Ballater. 44.The meeting concluded at 11:20hrs.